
Manifesto #3: Why Selection Packs ?

Published : 2018-06-01 16:32:21
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The "Reed Box Manifestations" series are periodic publications of opinion on the essential issues of our profession at the confluence of wind instruments and e-commerce.

Selection Packs, more precisely on the reasons that led us to design such an offer and how it is in line with the philosophy of The Reed Box.

What are Selection Packs?

Des anches to the unit of brands different, selected by equivalence of register and force and packaged in packs to allow saxophonists and clarinetists to try as many brands as possible and find the right reed for them.

The Selection Packs, why ?

Because the choice of the reed is a key element in the search for sound

The reed influences the sound of the saxophonist or clarinettist through its various characteristics:

  • The hardness of the reed hence the declination of the same model into several forces
  • The cut of the reed: the bark more or less "scraped", of conical or flat shape, ... it gives reeds of different models (classical, jazz...)
  • The quality of the reed which depends on the atmospheric conditions (humidity, sunshine...) in which the reed was grown

The impact of these characteristics is significant on the sound, in fact, they will condition a multitude of parameters such as the attack, the response, the holding on the scale in particular during register changes, the emission, the articulation...

In addition, the profile of the saxophonist or clarinetist is itself an important variable. Indeed, his breath, his technical level (beginner or confirmed) and its musical register (jazz or classic) will evolve throughout its journey and this will determine its needs in terms of reeds (hardness and cutting).

Because today access to certain brands still faces barriers

  • A financial equation: although relatively modest, the cost of the reed is nevertheless recurrent according to the frequency of the practice of the instrument by the saxophonist or clarinetist who will determine the frequency of his needs in reed renewal. So that at the end of the year, the amount could be significant. In this perspective, requiring musicians to pay the price of a box of 5 or 10 reeds in order to get a glimpse of a brand can dissuade many people from taking the plunge and broadening their horizons.
  • A lack of information about brands: throughout their journey, saxophonists and clarinetists will be submitted in their choice of reeds to the advice of various prescribers (teachers, conservatories, fetish musicians...). These prescribers will most often recommend to them the reed they play themselves or, at best, the brands they know, but their knowledge will rarely be exhaustive. These saxophonists or clarinetists will therefore never have benefited from complete and impartial information on the different brands. This will undoubtedly make them miss reeds that will suit them perfectly and make them evolve. However, you cannot ask a musician to try a new brand of reed without giving him at least one good reason to do so!

The fact that certain skills deserve to be valued

And finally, because at The Reed Box, we cherish our customers...

Therefore, in view of all the above-mentioned advantages of the Selection Packs, it was obvious that you would benefit from them!

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